Grande Fushigi Yuugi! Esse anime, assim como Onegai Teacher e Hand Maid May, retratam a realidade.
Pena q eu naum vi esse anime qd eu tinha 14 ou 15 anos, q é a idade ideal. Na época eu naum tinha net e tinha q comprar VHS de fansubber, e era bem caro, só vi os 1ºs eps na época.
Anos depois, qd tive a oportunidade de ver o anime completo, fikei impressionado coa complexidade q ele alcança, algo q o início da história realmente naum dava a entender.
Qd tomei contato coa história da Yui, passei a gostar dela muito mais do q da Miaka. A Yui mostra a realidade dos relacionamentos, uma verdadeira homenagem pra gente q vivemos no mundo real.
Wakatte-ita hazu
Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
toorisugiru koibito-tachi no waraigoe mune wo shimetsukeru
ameagari no shuumatsu no gogo na no ni watashi hitori machi wo aruku soba ni itai no ni
sonna koto wakatte-ita hazu suki ni nareba natta dake kurushimu koto
setsunai ne wakatte-iru no ni omotte-iru anata dake wo konna ni aenai toki mo
donna toki mo issho ni ite hoshii nante omoccha ikenai to
osaete-ita watashi no kokoro no koe tomerarezu ni ima mo afure sou de kurushii no
watashi ni wa wakatte-ita hazu aishitatte hitorijime dekinai koto
demo ima wa taisetsu na omoi watashi dake ga mieru hontou shinjite aishi-tsudzukeru
watashi ni wa wakatte-ita hazu aishitatte hitorijime dekinai koto
demo ima wa taisetsu na omoi watashi dake ga mieru hontou [1] shinjite aishi-tsudzukeru
The laughing voices of lovers passing by makes me get all choked up.
Even though the rain has stopped on this weekend afternoon, I'm walking the streets all alone, even though I want to be with you.
I should have known this. If I fell in love with you that much, I would hurt just as much.
Even though I know it's heart-wrenching, I keep thinking only of you, even when I can't see you.
Even though I know I shouldn't think about how I wish we could always be together,
even now, the voice of my heart, which I've tried to suppress, seems to overflow endlessly... so much so that it hurts.
I should have known. I just can't keep my love for you inside, all to myself.
But now, it's a precious thought. I believe in the truth only I see, and keep on loving you.
I should have known. I just can't keep my love for you inside, all to myself.
But now, it's a precious thought. I believe in the truth [1] only I see, and keep on loving you.
Translator's Notes:
[1] "Hontou" ("truth") is the reading for the kanji for "shinjitsu" ("truth, fact").
Kem ké anime q retrata sonhos, q vá ver KimiNozo / Kimi ga Nozomu Eien :P
Agora, o melhor romance de todos os animes é sem dúvida o do Makoto coa Ifurita em El Hazard! O autor de Tenchi Muyo foi muito bom em criar um casal onde o homi é um fracote (mais q tem muita dignidade q o dá valor, e tb habilidades... especiais e interessantes) e a garota é uma lutadora com grande poder.
Mais o interessante de El Hazard, é q apesar da Ifurita ser tão poderosa (é, adoro garotas fortes e belas q lutam, as Iczers q o diga ), e até arriscar a vida só pela oportunidade de reencontrar o Makoto, no final o autor volta pro chichê ao fazer ela entregar a própria vida a ele e ficar nas mãos do Makoto a única chance dela ser salva... e reencontrar ele pra q fiquem juntos!
El Hazard tem uma trilha sonora espetacular, mais nada se compara a Once in a Lifetime da Sarah Brightman, q foi usado num dos melhores AMVs q eu já vi.
Sarah Brightman - Once in a lifetime
Cuando anochezca Te esperare Quiero volverte loco esta noche Con la luna llena Te esperare Hoy moriras entre mis brazos
Nunca soñaste algo igual |
When the night falls I will wait for you I want to drive you crazy tonight With the full moon I will wait for you Today you will die in my arms You never dreamed about something like this |
Let me dive in
To pools of sin
Wet black leather on my skin
Show me the floor
Lay down the law
I need to taste you more
Then I feel your sea
Raining down on me
Can this be my once in a lifetime
Hell's at heaven's door
As I need you more
You know you're my once in a lifetime
Todo tu cuerpo temblara Pero esta vez, es realidad Aunque el tiempo pase Nunca, nunca lo olividaras Sera Solo una
vez en tu vida |
All your body will tremble But this time it will be real Though time passes by You will never, never forget it It will be Only once in your lifetime |
When you take me
And make me cry
Then I feel you satisfy
Show me the cage
It's all the rage
And lock it up
Found a part of me
That's a mystery
That will be just once in a lifetime
When the moon is high
Passion never dies
Will you want me for all a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Giving you my soul
Letting you control
Took away a part of my lifetime
Memories of you
Left me black and blue
Now I know you're once in a lifetime
Found a part of me
That's a mystery
That will be just once in a lifetime
When the moon is high
Passion never dies
Will you want me for all a lifetime
Found a part of me
That's a mystery
That will be just once in a lifetime
É issaí, até a próxima ^-^

Popularity: 1%

- anime
- clichê
- dignidade
- El Hazard
- espetacular
- fansubber
- Fushigi Yuugi
- Hand Maid May
- homenagem
- hontou
- Iczer
- idade
- Ifurita
- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
- KimiNozo
- lyrics
- Makoto
- Miaka
- Once in a Lifetime
- Onegai Teacher
- realidade
- relacionamento
- Sarah Brightman
- sonho
- Tenchi Muyo
- trilha sonora
- Wakatte-ita hazu
- Yui
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