
Spam is website publishers #1 concern, we wanna share our and our visitors' emails to those who should have access to them, but don't want spam harvesters stealing them and sending garbage to us. A lot of techniques had been developed to hide our emails from these delinquents, while having them shown to real people.
And together with spam harvesting, on 15 June 2009, Matt Cutts, a well known software engineer of Google, announced that Google Bot will no longer ignore nofollowed links for PageRank (http://www NULL.mattcutts NULL.com/blog/pagerank-sculpting/), and now we lose PR/link juice for every link we add to our pages, even if we use rel="nofollow" on them. So, now we must hide links from Search Engines too!
I've been searching for an ultimate obfuscation solution for both emails and URLs, that would be user-friendly for me the content publisher, and for my visitors. I've seen a lot of solutions, some that inspired me, but none that would fit my needs. It was time to start coding .gif)
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Hikari Enhanced Comments enhances comments with features that make comments more visible and and becoming more exciting in website structure.
Things that you've been wanted to do, now can be done much easier.
- An Enhanced Recent Comments widget, based on Wordpress core widget, but redesigned to make it possible to show at least 60 last comments.
- Widget also allows to exclude users from having their comments shown, perfect for website owners and authors that really participate on their site's comment debates

- If you also have Hikari Titled Comments plugin installed, comments with titles have their titles listed
- Comments authors have their gravatar shown in the widget
- For pingbacks, their gravatar is replaced by a "P" icon
- A Most Commented Posts widget, that lists your posts with higher number of comments
- If you have ip2nation installed (see installation instructions), comment authors are also shown with a flag of their country, in Recent Comments widget and in comments area
- Country flags can be added anywhere in your site, you just need to tweak your theme and use your imagination
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Hikari Tools Framework isn't a plugin with features for the end user. It's a development framework with tools to be used by other plugins, so that they don't need to duplicate the same code over and over again.
It deeply decreases plugins development time, specially in building options pages. For that, instead of building the whole HTML for each plugin, we can just prepare an array and it's used to build the whole page.
Another great feature this framework offers is options detection and reset. With the use of another simple array, in the bottom of options page it prints a table showing to plugin's users all kinds of options the plugins creates, being it wp_options, comment meta, post meta, and even network-wide options and user specific options (usermeta).
Every kind of data your plugin stores in database is shown in a clear way, with its key so that users can easly search for them in database. But they don't need to, because together with each option it informs if there's any data of that type stored, and provides user -friendly command to reset them all, totally cleaning the user's database from any data created by the plugin. Very easy and practical to use, and instantly available to any plugin that consumes Hikari Tools Framework!
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Krumo is a debugging software equivalent to print_r() and var_dump(), with the advantage of collapsing array and object values so that it takes less space and let us see only what we really need from complex data.
Hikari Krumo ports it to a Wordpress plugin, so that Krumo becomes easily available in any Wordpress page. Original Krumo has a few bugs fixed and has its options available in an admin page instead of requiring krumo.ini file edited directly.
- The simplicity of print_r() with the details of var_dump()
- Show any data, including its data type
- For arrays and objects, internal data are collapsed, so that it takes less space and you can expand to see only those values you really wanna see, spending much less space
- Works anywhere in Wordpress, backend and frontend
- Hide it from visitors and only those who really need to see dump be able to see it
- Automatically shows PHP file and line where dump happened, a great tool for debugging
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Have you ever wanted to highlight a valuable comment among all others? Or not let that troll 6-paragraphs comment take more space than it deserve? Or even hide a whole thread of offtipics?
Well, now you can!
Hikari Featured Comments is a simple plugin that adds 3 new custom fields to comments, allowing you to add special properties to each of them.
With this feature available, you can query any comment to know if it has any of those properties flagged, and if so you can take special actions within your theme or another plugin.
There are 3 special properties available, you can give them any semantic you like, but default meanings are as follows:
- Featured: a comment flagged as featured should be highlighted from all others. You can give it special CSS styles from your theme to make it more visible among all comments, and flag any valuable comment as so.
- Buried: a buried comment is a comment you don't wanna just delete, but also don't want it as visible as all others. You can use it to hide offtopic comments which you don't want to perpetuate.
- Children/Threaded buried: this one has similar meaning to the former, but it should be applied to nested/threaded/children comments of the flagged comment.
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This article provides information and exemples of all available parameters for Hikari Internal Links's shortcode.
As you're probably already aware, this plugin is used to build dynamic links to a Wordpress' website internal links. These links can point to posts, pages, custom post types, comments, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, and feeds to categories, tags and a post's comments.
That's done using the [hkLink] shortcode. It's alternatively also available the [p2p] shortcode for compatibility with other Post to Post based plugins.
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Don't worry anymore of linking a post or a category, to later change its title or slug, or changing your posts permalinks, and creating invalid links to your own site pages.
Hikari Internal Links provides a shortcode that dynamically generates links to most Wordpress resources. You can query these resources based on their ID or slug, and these links are generated dynamically. Therefore if you change a resource's title or permalink, its links will be updated automatically.
- A shortcode generates links to internal pages dynamically
- If the permalink changes, links are updated automatically
- You can get links based on resources ID or slug
- If resource isn't found, you get a warning text surrounded by class
wpdberror , which is hidden from your visitors and shown to you with a yellow background so that it's easy to notice and fix
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Wordpress 3.0 comes with a new filter that lets us customize what is used for each permalink structure tag, other than Wordpress default.
One of these permalink structure tags is %category% . By default, Wordpress always use the category with lowest ID, making %category% impractical for SEO optimization.
Hikari Category Permalink allows post authors to choose among each post's categories, which of them is used in that post permalink, giving much more flexibility and power to permalinks.
This plugin is a fork of Dmytro Shteflyuk (http://kpumuk NULL.info)'s sCategory Permalink (http://kpumuk NULL.info/projects/wordpress-plugins/scategory-permalink/) plugin. It has all original features and is compatible with original options, while being more stable and simple, and also fixes 2 recurring bugs.
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I've been developing Wordpress plugins for a few months, and I always felt challenging to know if those hooks I was using were being used by other plugins as well, and which were coming before and after my function.
Wordpress hooks are actions and filters. They are known by theme designers as those "things" that come in do_action("action_tag"); and $content = apply_filters("filter_tag",$content); . Plugin developers know them better, we love to hook actions and filters as add_action("action_tag","prefix_function"); and add_filter("filter_tag","prefix_function"); .
I just wanted something that, in any page I wanted, would show me a list of all hooks, everything hooked to each of them, and the priority order they were called.
Of course that couldn't be something like a static model designed by (my) hand, it should be something automatic, dynamic, related to each page. Something real, that showed what really happened during that particupar page load.
With some research I found codes that did that, and much more. I merged these codes together, improved them, and Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter was born 
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Gravatar is a nice service, it allows us, as users, to define avatars related to our emails, and then those avatars are used everywhere we comment and participate, automatically.
But not everybody know or bother with Gravatars, and when we have a site we end up with a bunch of comments with the same default avatar, for every commenter that didn't register on Gravatar, or in anonymous comments.
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars lets us "unicornify" these avatars, providing some more colors to our beloved sites 
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